Thursday, May 14, 2009

Lessons from the Future

The closing sessions of the conference included a highlight key note address presented by Anton Musgrave, Director of Futureworld,

Mr. Musgrave's past to future insights had a real impact on the audience. His messages regarding evolution from silent to boomer to gen x/y/millenial and the related impacts brought out very powerful anticipated change and evolution to come in culture, technology and business. Respecting the challenges of the depth of content he shared in his session, highlighted examples point out that there is a current capability to develop body parts using ink jet printer technology. His taped interview lab practitioner interviews really hit a "nerve" with the attendees. That alone was a powerful message; however, he ofcourse went mush broader as regards impacts.

Considering the value of Encyclopedia Brittanica today versus google, the present day applications of second life in selected business communities for recruiting and reward and the overall recognition that relationships versus organization affiliation is the futureworld direction of our global marketplace. I encourage you to visit his web site and read some of the range of information available.

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